Prep Time: 1 hr 30 min - Cook time: 25 min - Total time: 1 hr 55 min

1 cup of raw Cashews, soaked for 90 minutes
¼ cup of ketchup
1 ½ tbsp of Mustard
1 baby dill garlic Pickle
¼ tsp of Apple cider vinegar
¼ tsp of garlic powder
¼ tsp of onion powder
⅛ tsp of paprika
Salad idea 1: Lettuce, onions, pickle, cheese and ground chicken
Salad idea 2: Lettuce, chopped onion, chopped zucchini, cherry tomatoes, chopped baby pickles and sauteed TVP (Textured vegetable protein)
Combine all the sauce ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
Chop up all the salad ingredients you wish to add
Drizzle the mac sauce on top